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SINCE 2002

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Get In Touch!
Use the form below to contact Kat Smiles!

Kat and her most trusted CannaPharm team members are always here and happy to assist patients with their questions, we are here to help you make the best medicine you can, using the tools and ingredients you have available. No situation is too unique and no budget is too small to begin making oil properly, we can help devise a plan that will work for you.
If you are the producer, CEO or organizer of an event, organization, business, or venue and you would like to speak to us about involving Kat in one of your upcoming events, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Kat is easy to work with and always willing to participate with the community - seven days a week - 365 days a year.

Special Notice :
Between social media, web forums, contact forms and email accounts we often receive between 150 - 200 messages daily, and as such we have recently been unable to keep up with our current message load with the very limited email reply assistance that Kat has authorized for patient privacy and security.
As many as 10,000 viewers see the CannaPharm, in some form, in a given day. Of our viewers, many who write have very complex and serious medical conditions and symptoms that can benefit best from specific strains and processing techniques, while many other patients require assistance that is much more straightforward, but no less important.
We will be tackling this issue soon by providing an additional contact form or forms, for patients who feel that their questions may be less complex. Kat is reviewing only candidates who have had nothing but positive history with us, and will delegate several additional CannaPharm understudies to assist, by providing them with limited access to the new contact form.
We are also considering implementing a message board to provide patients who are already practicing Kat's tutorials and advice, to help openly assist others.

The current contact form will be accessed only by Kat, and by two of her oldest and most trusted assistants, who have had the longest and closest history with the CannaPharm.
Until the new contact form is implemented, please understand that our required reply volume far surpasses the hours in the day, even if we were only to devote five minutes to each message, which would be falling far short of the needs of many people who contact us. We try to answer emergency messages as soon as we read them (or after conferencing with Kat if needed) but in many cases it can take some time! In the meantime, try the *ADVANCED* search at GrassCity.com. (May require a user account - it's free, and also a very good community! )
Simply enter the name BadKittySmiles into the "Find Author" space, and enter a key word or two from your question into the "Find Words" field. Be sure you check the option near the bottom to Display Results "As Posts", then click the search button. Each post Kat has made containing your search terms will be displayed. The vast majority of Kat's 6,000+ posts on Grass City consist of answers to the most common oil questions and concerns, many of which merited lengthy and detailed replies. The rest are ALL recipes! Kat is generally quiet and reserved, making her very concise and to the point in person, but online, as an avid writer, the only complaint we ever hear is that she sometimes answers questions with replies that are too in depth and too detailed for the average forum or twitter user. But for patients, these detailed replies can be ideal and the odds are very good that she has fielded your question (possibly from several angles, in different threads) openly on the forum. If you can't wait, it is an excellent resource!