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Donate Towards Kat's Work Through E-Gift Cards!
Many of you have been asking for quite some time (several years, for a few of you!) how you may make some kind of contribution towards Kat's volunteer work that would allow for more online content, or even increase the help she is able to provide each week to disabled, elderly, low income and terminally ill patients. Some of you have asked for a way to thank Kat for helping you through hard times, whether your outcome was improved through her tutorials, which allowed you to make good oil with confidence, or with one on one given through Skype, or even in thanks for oil she had given you personally in the past.
It's not necessary, but it is SO appreciated, and in the right hands every little bit goes such a long way! Some who are local have made AMAZING and life changing contributions of medicine, that have helped Kat to provide content to us all, and oil to her patients, during the times her grow rooms have been on haitus, but we know that is not an option for everyone, sometimes just due to the distance involved.
But now there is another way to join in and help Kat and her Team assist more people, each and every day!
As a very small, intimate and truly no-profit group, that manages to reach out to and assist hundreds of patients each and every year, Kat often relies on her own meager grocery budget to facilitate everything the CannaPharm does, from electronic needs, to the basic ingredients used to produce oil for patients. Our resrouces are very slim, we tend to give oil and resources that we often take from our own kitchens, and personal single patient gardens, to give to our patients who are in worse positions than ourselves. Everything we've done for the patients we have served, and the content produced for the community, grew from the love and spare resources of just a handful of average people, some with crippling physical disabilities and little financial stability to speak of for themselves.
Please know that the simple fact that you showed interest, and clicked on a page that said "donations"
during your visit here at Kat's CannaPharm is, to us, a HUGE awesome gesture all on its own!
Anything you do on this page, besides learning, is going above and beyond, and that is exactly the mentality we try to embody in
our own work. We're just proud that you're here, reading, and enjoying the content.
But those of you who chose to click this page are truly special whether or not you're able to make a tangible contribution!
If you aren't in a position to make a donation, but want to know how you can help, by just passing this website info along to your fellow patients who may not be aware of the medicinal benefits of cannabis, along with your knowledge of the oil and the medicine, that is absolutely a wonderful and potentially life changing contribution you're making, in and of itself.
Thank you again for clicking through this section of the site, you're incredible, and we appreciate it!
4/15/2014 - The below page is unfinished. It was constructed many weeks ago with Kat's permission to help the CannaPharm reach more patients, and replace old and defunct hardware, but we have decided to release this incomplete version early due to a time of extreme hardship and sadness, after the death of one of Kat's oldest, dearest and closest companions, because we thought it may help her during this very difficult time in lieu of flowers so she may do something in his honor, or have something more tangible to remember him by. I can guarantee that anything given during this difficult time will also positively affect the CannaPharm.
If you'd like to send your condolences in the form of an an e-gift card, please click the photos below, but know that they are certainly not your only options, we planned to elaborate in the future and list specific needs of the CannaPharm, but for now you can use the below as a guide and if you have another e-gift card in mind it would be equally appreciated.
Please use the address Personal_Asst_Talia-W@live.com when completing your donation, this is not the corresponding contact form email address, it is an address Kat created for technical and assistant use.
If you'd like to send a message of condolenses instead of or after sending a donation, please use the contact form.
Thank you for your thoughts and kindness during this difficult time, in early May we will resume projects, activites, and will also (hopefully) increase email response time. ( Edited/button added - 4/27/2014 )